Yes, reboots can work

Syp wrote how abandoned MMO Fallen Earth got a new dev team who plan to fix it and fully reboot. He doesn’t hold his breath over its success though.

Of course I can’t vouch for that dev team as I know nothing of them. But about the idea of a successful reboot? Definitely. MMOs are defined by their ruleset and not their graphics. If we’d remove non-consensual PvP from EVE Online, we’d get a reskinned Black Desert. If we’d make black stones and shards soulbound in Black Desert, we’d get a reskinned World of Warcraft, despite code-wise these are 5-minutes changes.

So the best way of developing a unique MMO is grabbing a dead/dying one that has art assets, functional server, stable client and working combat mechanics. Then change its ruleset to your thinking. This way you save yourself the millions of dollars of animating WhateverNPC#12345 which won’t matter much anyway.

Instead, you can get to work with what deserves working with: the ruleset. Remember how PlayerUnknown took H1Z1 and modded it into a blockbuster new genre. The PUBG art assets and mechanics are interchangeable with any usual shooter. If you’d replace the weapon animations with the CSGO ones, probably most players wouldn’t notice. It’s not the second-to-second gameplay that is different betweent PUBG, CSGO and BFx, but the 15 minutes goal: to kill the enemy side vs killing/surviving everyone not you.

So good luck to you Little Orbit guys and if you can make something more than “talk ! guy, kill 10 rats, return to ! guy, get XP”, I might play.

Author: Gevlon

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