Why being political is a waste of time

I wrote lot of politics in the second half of 2016 and the first half of 2017. It was a major waste of time. I didn’t get much hits for them and no change (no matter how little) spawned from them. The only post I don’t regret is the one supporting Trump before the election, that made sense in retrospect (you should vote, and by extension endorse candidates before elections). But the rest had exactly one result besides wasted time: I had to switch to the much less user-friendly wordpress.com because blogger.com is owned by the hyper-partisan Google and my gaming content could be erased from the interned because of their disapproval of my politics.

I realized that it’s stupid to be political at some sub-conscious level and went back to gaming posts. I’m both happier and more productive since then. However “why?” kept bugging me. Then I’ve read Wolfshead’s post about boycotting Blizzard because of politics (warning: long and political). He describes how Blizzard fell to the crazy-liberal movement of affirmative action and white privilege and male privilege and whatnot and how he can’t support such horrible company.

I can’t join his boycott, because I’ve played no Blizzard game in the last 3 years and I’m not intending to do so, for a purely apolitical reason: their games are crap. However – and this is the revelation – their games being crap is strongly connected to them being crazy-liberal. They had good games back then. Then they changed them to be “accessible” and “casual-friendly” and their player count started to stagnate, then drop. Any reasonable person would have realized that this was a bad idea. But they were not reasonable, they were political. The crazy-liberal movement literally believes that meritocracy is oppressive, so they can’t believe that their game should reward good play. Instead it should be inclusive. They see “someone’s grandmother” an indentity that needs safe space and inclusion into the community they manage. Giving out welfare epics wasn’t a business choice, it was a moral choice. Blizzard games became the crap they are, because they are designed by people following a crappy ideology.

Blizzard games reward showing up and not performing well. That’s enough to know about them. You don’t have to make a political decision. You don’t even have to know about the politics behind the product. All you have to see is that they are crap. Followers of anti-meritocratic ideas, may there be racists, nationalists, communists or liberals are making crap and you shouldn’t eat crap. WoW had to go down the same way as Venezuela, but you don’t need to understand or discuss the politics to see it, only see the result and say “no thanks”.

I could do more damage to the crazy-liberal movement and more support to the meritocratic ideas by supporting meritocratic games (games that reward skilled play instead of showing up or bribing the devs). By choosing an apple, you support or reject a tree. There is no point arguing over trees. Just point at the apple and say: this is a good apple, come and eat this. By doing so, you’ll always support meritocracy and will do it in a way that defies political smear campaigns. If I write a post about unfair university admissions, one can call me a white supremacist. But I doubt that even a crazy-liberal can do that if I write how the WoW catch-up system encourages not playing WoW but waiting till the desired ilvl is handed out. (OK, he can always call it mansplaining).

Author: Gevlon

My blog: https://greedygoblinblog.wordpress.com/

8 thoughts on “Why being political is a waste of time”

  1. Well. You’re not wrong.

    I think it’s a bit more complicated, and I’ll explain. Now: I don’t know how companies work in Hungary, only here in the US.

    Sometime during the 50’s, early 60’s, a new paradigm started taking hold, systematization. Whereby a company organized itself to be a “franchise” of itself. And thus, created a blueprint to create clones of itself. It works great, and this paradigm is now ubiquitously taught. This is fantastic for businesses of all sizes. And I encourage it, it works. I’m all about the capitalism, yo.

    Ah. But the downside. By systematizing, the best systems reduce the employees to cogs in a machine, AI if you will. Interchangeable and running a script. An efficient script, mind you, but a script none the less. As time goes on, and the company gets larger and refines the systems… it starts optimizing it’s own scripted systems. It’s inefficient to have people smarter than is required to execute the script, so that opens up the hiring pool to low cost labor (H1B, traditionally ignored fringe groups, etc.) This is what competitive businesses do… ratchet the system incrementally to increase profitability by reducing costs.

    The goal is to reduce cost, and that goal is supported by maximizing the worker pool, then selecting only the cheapest ones. Hey! If you ONLY want smart, driven people, better open up the checkbook, right? But if you want low costs, you want the tune the job so the max number of people can do it.

    This falls right into liberal thinking. As such, the bigger a company gets… the more liberal it gets. (And I mean egalitarian liberal, not libertarian liberal.) Not because it makes sense to them politically, but because it reduces the bottom line.

    And that’s why big companies are so overwhelmingly liberal. … In my opinion, at least.

    And this is why I’m all about small companies now, and indy games.


  2. Big companies are liberal because they have made huge money beforehand and can now afford this stupidity.
    Try to build a startup by hiring people to a quota and avoiding white males. Your company will never make any profits. Google can do it because they make gorillions somewhere else.


  3. By doing so, you’ll always support meritocracy and will do it in a way that defies political smear campaigns.

    Never underestimate ones enemy! Never!
    It is easier said then done, they will subvert what ever evidence you bring to the table. Really read “Explaining Postmodernism” by Stephen R. C. Hicks http://www.stephenhicks.org/explaining-postmodernism/ first chapter is more than enough to get the gears rolling.

    Did you say something about social media? Full of indoctrinated sycophants, more like devils spawn!
    Sr Network Security Engineer Reveals Twitter Ready to Give Trump’s Private DMs to DOJ
    BREAKING: Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning”

    They see the world trough their dead ideologues eyes. postmodern, feminist, marxist, old french socialist, pcik your poison. the next 20yo idiot that never worked to pay for his financial liabilities … that read Hegel in a weekend and wants to change the world. I like their keen yet misguided eye to spot something “in need of change”. like with every structure it is good to test it’s limits. I really don’t like that they don’t start with themselves, until thirty you really don’t know anything and with a shread of intelligence humbly backpaddle. Those ideologue-warriors push so immensely blind without any opposition that it becomes scary.

    Quadriplegic people with some mouth gear can play more than enough games (#notall) and having a blast. So yeah GG totally is on the point in my mind: Where there is a challenge there will be fun!


  4. I think your view of WoW is incomplete. There is plenty of room in WoW PvE for the skilled and competitive minded, and you get rewarded for skill.
    Do you know about M+ dungeons? If you beat a 5 player dungeon at the lowest difficulty, you get a token that allows you to do a random dungeon at a higher difficulty for increased rewards. If you beat that dungeon in a certain time, you get a token for an even higher difficulty and so on. There are aspects of the dungeon that change every week, so every week is slightly different. There is a breakpoint for the rewards at a fairly high level, but the rewards still continue to increase. The rewards get updated with every patch, and they are relevant even for a mythic raid guild. The best runs per week are tracked officially on the WoW website, and there are third party tools (wowprogress, raider.io) that calculate an aggregate M+ score for yourself and rank you with respect to all other players (sever, region, class, spec etc). This score is a requirement to enter many random groups. Another requirement is the quality of your gear, which is tracked by the game and shown to any pick-up group you apply to. There was a competitive official M+ tournament for those who cared.
    Mythic raiding is no joke either. You need a player base of ~25 people who have to be good at their role, which is a challenge for the guild leaders, because they compete for players with other guilds on the server (and even on other servers due to transfers). The world first kills of the final bosses of a raid tier take hundreds of attempts. For an “average” mythic guild, there are usually earlier bosses that need 100+ attempts. The raids in Legion have been fairly difficult even on the second highest difficulty (the last raid is maybe an exception). And you are rewarded for success: you have better gear, you get mounts, titles. There are achievements for killing the final boss that are impossible to get later (Ahead of the curve, Cutting Edge). Curve is a requirement to enter many pick-up groups. Your guild is also ranked compared to other guilds by third party sites. Players compare each other using combat logs, which are very important especially to DPS players.
    I get your point that you can get many of the rewards (mainly the gear) by simply waiting. But that is only relevant if you define the goal of WoW as equipping your char. For many, the draw is being in a like-minded group of people working towards a common goal, where your contribution actually matters. For others, it may be gear, but you do get better gear doing current content.
    There are many parts of WoW that have been trivialized, especially the levelling process. But that is the way the PVE game is currently: You strive to do current content as successfully as possible before it gets obsolete. And you need to have some sort of feeling of accomplishment doing so, otherwise the game is pointless. The reward for playing the game IS playing the game 😊


  5. Dear Rubikon: he knows. Hes an old school raider. this is his old blog http://greedygoblin.blogspot.co.uk/ where you can find his raiding posts going all the way from TBC through wrath (where he raided in blues just to prove skill>gear), cata (where I raided with him) all the way into WoD where he did some project about pugging that proved he was elite raider or something. I lost track cos at that point I had rage quit wow myself over the whole flying/no flying piss take.


  6. Yeah, Blizzard releasing a remake of the highest skill-cap multiplayer game of all time (Starcraft Broodwar) makes them a bunch of leftist libtards. Blizzard is a business, they make decisions that make money, not decisions that satisfy some liberal deity that demands the sacrifice of product quality. I’m not defending them in any way, I’d love to have Warcraft 4, but I understand why they would rather spend dev time wringing every last drop of blood out of WoW than risking the IP on a new game from scratch.

    It would be nice to have an easy to blame boogeyman like liberal ideology keeping my favorite video games from getting made, but I’m not so naive as to think that the one of the biggest game publishers ever (activision-blizzard) would allow the quality of their products to decline when hiring a few more women.

    You claim being apolitical is the correct choice for you, the same would be true of most businesses, but Blizzard is, and has always been, a California based tech giant. The political zero point for them IS virtue-signalling hiring quotas and other liberal nonsense. Those liberal press releases are low-risk business tactics to avoid potential bad press in the future, the worst that could happen from saying “we’re going to be more progressive with our hiring practices” is a few bloggers could get upset.


  7. @Trees: BroodWars was written in the “golden age” and now just gets a graphical facelift.
    Making WoW “casual friendly” was NOT a valid business decision as it made the previously growing subscriber base stop to grow and then drop.

    The worst that can happen with liberal virtue signaling is Wrath of the Lich King. Even if it’s just an empty gesture for the press, it does help indoctrinating the employees and these ideas and it shapes in-office discussions. For example:
    – This feature needs good reaction time that only young people have
    – “do you want our game to be ageist?!”

    Also, constant mantra of diversity hiring leads to diversity hiring in large firms (since the HR staff can’t be trusted to know that it’s just empty gesture) leading to less qualified developers who are more likely to introduce casual features.


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