There are dumb people. There are real morons. And there are people who buy lootboxes

When I logged in World of Warships, I was greeted with my Santa’s gift: a lootbox. Also got the “opportunity” to buy more lootboxes. I dismissed it and doubted that anyone on the planet is retarded enough to buy these.

Obviously, I was wrong, as the top posts of the World of Warships subreddit proves:

There is also a “Hitler opens lootboxes” video, which is funny.

The third post leads to a fansite that analyzes what can you “win” from these boxes and guess what, you are better off just spending your money directly in the shop than buying a box that mostly contain something you don’t want.

Well, that part is obvious to me, but the high upvotes show that the average player is really into buying these retarded lottery tickets even if the prizes are horrible. “Because opening lootboxes is fun!” – they probably say.

This also shed light why the lootbox opening is animated. I mean you get 3 normal boxes for doing the 3 daily XP challenge (2K, 12.5K, 37K) and you can get some more from the “Royal Navy” event quests. In the case of the normal ones, you have to select type (resources or you are wrong) and then a crane slowly places the crate on your ship. Then you have to open it and an animation happens where you see what did you win. For the quest and purchased boxes, only the opening happens. I consider this a waste of time and wish I could lock my choice of selection and that the crates are given and opened without animations. But there is a reason why they did this way: because watching it arriving and opening is fun for the gambling morons.

So every time you see a retarded game feature, don’t ask why. Just check the morons upvoting it in the subreddit and you have the answer: the median player is stupid and half of the players is even stupider.

Author: Gevlon

My blog:

11 thoughts on “There are dumb people. There are real morons. And there are people who buy lootboxes”

  1. It’s psychology, and why full on “Libertarianism” is a naive pipe dream.

    People are stupid. They can’t figure out statistics or make rational judgements. Emotion is the prime motivator. If you start by assuming people are “rational actors” you will be wrong almost every time.


  2. Completely offtopic for the question at hand, but relevant to one of the previous posts:
    A decent analysis of why Patreon CEO looks the other way as his trust and safety team makes political deplatformings

    As far as lootboxes are concerned, i have no opinion on them beyond that playing lootbox games is the equivalent of smoking cigs with a drug dealer.


  3. Hey Gev, don’t know if you read ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’, but it might be interesting for you.
    It is mostly about human decision making, and have some partial explanation why this is happening (gambling).
    A book titled ‘The Power of Habit’ also has a part where it explains how gambling behavior can become a habit.


  4. The ‘problem’ is that you cant buy all of the premiums ‘available’ (löl) in the crates in the shop.. and of course the ones you cant just buy are also OP. Very odd that..


  5. Addiction to gambling is medical codition. Some people are affected, some are not. That’s why it’s regulated so hard. But lootboxes are not banned because they aren’t considered as gambling yet. Despite that they’re using same ways to trick addicted people minds.


  6. @PyDuck: I forgot that long ago. It was a necessary solution when I had much bigger traffic and lots of trolls who just spammed nonsense.


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