Wait, Fallout 76 was released?!

Remember the outrage over Shadow of the Tomb Raider went on a sale a month after release? Those were the days. Fallout 76 went from $60 to $40 after a week.

I’ve read this in disbelief. I mean disbelief over the fact that it’s released. Until I’ve learned its release, I was under the impression that Fallout 76 is in early beta and will be released a year from now. I mean from the amount of bugs and design flaws. I kept telling people to chill, they will fix it till release, unaware that release is days and not months away.

The game is a mess. Not just the bizarre amount of bugs, but lacking the macro game completely. What exactly are you doing in F76 after the initial steps of surviving and gearing up? What’s the point? Why shouldn’t you unsubscribe after a few weeks?

Oh wait, the game has sell price with no subscription. Probably they never meant this MMO thing more than an always-on DRM.

Anyway, this release is a joke. It shouldn’t have happened. The game has no reason to exist as an MMO, it’s a crappy single player game without NPCs.

Please don’t give them money for nothing. Wait half a year, maybe they fix it. Or maybe they shut down most of the servers and sell the game for $9.99. You win either way.


PS: these are 3 games in a row, 2 losses and a win. The matchmaker either gives me the worst collection of morons and slackers to drag me down and/or pull them up, or the average player is so bad that this is random:

Author: Gevlon

My blog: https://greedygoblinblog.wordpress.com/

4 thoughts on “Wait, Fallout 76 was released?!”

  1. I bought it because I enjoyed the idea of playing it with my son. Even then it is a shell of a game, and the bugs basically defeat the game. One of the main points is to create a base, make it look awesome or useful and they are supposed to be mobile so you can move it around the map and the components are supposed to be saved on the server, however when you log out, random base items disappear with no explanation and you have to refarm the materials and rebuild. Other bugs I can handle but this is literally a major part of the game is broken.

    It is like playing an MMO but when you log out, your progression is reset… accidentally, every time. Unacceptable bug. Requested refund and got it. Unfun game is okay, I eat the cost research the features better next time. Broken game is absolutely unacceptable.


  2. Bethesda’s games are notorious for early bugs, with the caveat that in all their previous releases, the community was on point and would release unofficial patches in the form of mods. Enter Fallout 76 which does not allow mods (since it’s online) and well… you get this kind of clusterfuck. And the saddest part is, that this engine is so old that still has elements from Morrowind in it (which released in 2002?) and the code is literally a Frankenstein monster… and they will probably use that same engine for Elder Scrolls 6. The epitome of lazy development.

    I was watching a video the other day of a guy and his friend doing a ‘defend location X’ style mission, and the waves of enemies could shoot at them through walls, while they could not shoot out the windows. Pure comedy, I tell you.


  3. There is literally nothing even remotely redeeming about fl76. Like, at least with skyrim, there aren’t that many melee/rp games that can be played online. But shooters in a map? One is farted out every day, probanly literally.

    If it offered something unique, like an opportunity for deep RP f.ex., then yeah, sure. But this is literal shit.


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