PUBG guide to the top 100: at low rating

Season 6 have started and everyone is back at 1200 rating. So the matchmaker creates totally random games. From the fact that I was nearly top 100 last season, one would assume that I will be chain #2-#5 until I reach at least top 1000. The opposite happened, my results are worse than they were when I was at the top 0.1%

Since we are at low rating, this isn’t a problem, I’m getting more rating for a fail than I got for a #2 in the top 200. Yet, having worse than #20 is unacceptable and I use to have one such fail out of 20 games and not 3 out of 10. Especially when I’m facing random noobs.

The solution is that they are not random noobs in the sense as Arthasdklol with his below-hunterpet DPS. They are random noobs in the sense of Gnompwnzor grinding players on Arathi bridge, ignoring that 4 bases are hostile. PUBG, due to its huge success became a “hot” FPS game and bunch of FPS players come to play it. They have no idea what this game is about, but they are handing out headshots like they were autoaiming (and some of them do). They are the reckless killers. They earn their name by taking stupid risks to get a kill. Like this specimen:

The reason why they get away with it at low rating is that the randoms, including other reckless killers are not positioned well to take advantage of their recklessness. For example I had an idiot standing on a hilltop and pumping 3 magazines into my car before it exploded. At 2000+ rating, he would have gotten headshots from 3 different people before he’d finish his first mag.

How can you counter them? You don’t have to. They are a temporary annoyance at low rating. Due to their recklessness, they often die early, so they will never get anywhere near the top 10%, not to mention top 0.1%. The solution for their problem is that while you are at low rating, – unless the circle is particularly good – just collect medicine. Less work and probably better results. Of course when it start to get slow, you should start playing normally. But when it gets slow, you are already out of range of these punks.

This result revealed something important, not just for PUBG, but the World in general. Some good advises that work at high rating just don’t work at low, because the challenge is different and it comes mostly from low rated people. This is why social programs designed by elites fail spectacularly. And this is why watching pros fighting pros don’t help new players get any better. The solution to the reckless killer problem isn’t being better in killing. Hell, it’s not even being better in sneaking. It’s doing something that doesn’t work at high rating: abandoning the whole playing field and collecting medicine to live until the circle completion, dying around #15.

A player trying to defeat the reckless killers as a mean to get above them in rating is like the person in the ghetto who tries to get out of the ghetto by defeating the thugs. It’s stupid and it won’t succeed. Just bag and leave them for good. You won’t see them again once you’re in the top 10% in PUBG and in a decent neighborhood in life.

Author: Gevlon

My blog:

4 thoughts on “PUBG guide to the top 100: at low rating”

  1. I have used your stuff to help me in eve, sorry but I hate market trading so I really just used your mining guide. However this looks like a new opportunity to see if you know this game as well once it hits Xbox live I plan to use your “med kits” till I outlast the randoms.

    Thanks Goblin.


  2. “This result revealed something important, not just for PUBG, but the World in general. Some good advises that work at high rating just don’t work at low, because the challenge is different and it comes mostly from low rated people. This is why social programs designed by elites fail spectacularly. ”

    Amusingly that’s an argument that many socialists use as well (and I’m not saying either of you are wrong). Of course they wouldn’t argue that’s why social programs fail but rather that’s why they’re necessary because the advice from “elites” is useless because they don’t know about the situation of well off people.

    And amusingly enough that’s why your advice regarding “the ghetto” is useless: “Just bag and leave them for good.”
    This might work for you because you are in a situation where you can just get up and leave. There might be totally different circumstances for people living there that makes it nearly impossible to just “leave for good” (requirements for getting a flat in other areas, …).
    They *might* be able to do that – but even then following that “simple” advice might be a lot harder for them than you ever would imagine.


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